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Why your website is not converting and how to fix it

Why your website is not converting and how to fix it
Reading time: 6 Minutes

In order to be visible in an Internet-centered world, businesses need an attractive and user-friendly website to promote their brand and services. But in order for a website to deliver the maximum value, you need to constantly keep track of its performance and of several vital indicators, including conversions. Unfortunately, many websites display a low number of conversions or discourage users from completing them. In this article, we’ll try looking at the possible reasons for that and at the ways to fix the issue.

Now: what is website conversion? 

Website conversion is a measurable indicator of website performance. The conversion rate shows how effective the site performs in solving the tasks assigned to it. It reflects a percentage of the number of users who completed the pre-determined and desired action on the website to the total number of site users. Companies can collect this data by using website analytics tools like Google Analytics.

Examples of conversions are:

  • Filling out a form;
  • Sharing content to social media;
  • Clicking a specific button;
  • Making a purchase;
  • Watching a product video;
  • Signing up for a newsletter, etc.

As you can see, conversions come in different formats. The desired conversions will depend on your business goals and they will be different for every website. Hence, defining KPIs and preferred conversions should be done in advance before launching the website (since its design and navigation directly impact conversions).

There are two types of website conversions:

Micro Conversions. It is a step toward macro conversion, which happens when users interact with your website, even if it is not a necessary step in the macro conversion. For example, signing up for updates or watching a product video. Micro conversions are indicators of users’ interest. By analyzing micro conversion, you can identify the flaws in your marketing strategy.

Macro Conversions. The actions a user can take represent the primary purpose of your website. For example, for e-commerce websites that sell products, the major goal is product purchases. In other words, it is a big website goal that is concrete and easy to track.

Some micro conversions are also on the macro conversion list. For instance, a user creating a new account might be the goal for social networks, but creating an account without a purchase would be of secondary importance to an e-commerce site.

Every business tries to increase the percentage of micro and macro conversions for constant profit. A good website conversion can help you get more sales.

Why is your website not converting?

There can be many reasons why your website isn’t performing as well as you expected. So, what are the most common ones? 

Slow website

Many websites are slower than they need to be. If your landing page takes too long to load, it can affect user experience. Hence, it will impact your conversion rate. Remember that Google prioritizes user experience and slow loading speed can impact your search engine rankings.

Besides, people usually hold their attention for no longer than a few seconds, so if your landing page takes longer to load, consider you have lost the audience. That, in turn, will definitely affect your traffic.

Poor design

It’s easy to forget how the design of a site affects your business. Website design is one of the important elements of a marketing strategy. An overloaded website with too many details repels rather than attracts. Choosing the right colors for your website is important too. Sloppy websites in flashy colors look unprofessional and unappealing to the eye. Having a poorly designed website is equal to not having a website at all.

Not having a clear navigation

Complicated designs can affect a website’s navigation for your target audience. People visit websites to gather information about your company or products. Websites without a distinct structure and navigation will only confuse users. There needs to be a clear flow throughout your website design. Otherwise, your visitors will leave the page in irritation.

Too many options 

There is no better way to confuse users than to provide them with too many options, buttons, and menus. Website usability is key to generating conversions. Navigation bars and menus are useful tools but do not overwhelm users with their amount. Too many pop-ups and ads aren’t appealing either and look more like spam. It is hard to make a choice when you face too many options at once. 

No testing 

Website creation needs to be planned. You cannot develop a site, upload it to the server and just leave it. To ensure your website has the perfect features to encourage conversions, test your website. Otherwise, you can launch a site full of bugs. Some features may not work as intended. This will definitely affect the user experience. 

Not having CTAs

A call to action (CTA) is a visual element designed to encourage users to purchase your products or services. It also helps viewers to understand what to do on your website. The design of CTAs can differ based on business specialization and the target audience. While implementing CTAs can help to boost conversions, a lot of pages don’t have any at all. Many website owners are too lazy to add them or simply don’t see any value in them. It’s easier to leave a link at the bottom of the page that will lead to the product. Thus, users may not find a clear path to convert, which can be an issue.

Negative mobile experience

Nowadays, users browse websites and social media on their mobiles, as it is more convenient. And they expect a fast-loading website that’s optimized for this. If you cannot meet the demands of a mobile audience, you’re missing out on a significant amount of profits. It’s more important that your website looks great on phones rather than desktops. Not having a mobile-friendly website may be one of the main reasons you do not have a good conversion rate. 

How to boost your website conversions 

Having a well-designed, updated, and relevant website can increase the conversion rate and help your business on its way to success. Therefore, here are some tips on how to fix your website conversion. 

Speed up your site 

One of the things you can do for your website to improve conversion is to optimize it for the faster performance. For example, you can:

  • Reduce the size of your HTML
  • Minify JavaScript and CSS
  • Use a content distribution network
  • Optimize your files
  • Reduce service response time
  • Choose the right hosting option for your website
  • Reduce image size
  • Enable Browser caching

Remember that a fast-loading website is much more attractive to the audience.

Analyze the feedback

First, you need to get feedback from your target audience. Ask your website visitors what they want and what complaints they have regarding the work of your website. For this, you can use A/B testing. Showing two versions of the website to various groups of visitors at one time and comparing both versions is a good way to determine which one drives more conversions. A/B testing will also help you select the best design and improve user engagement. User experience is an important factor that determines why people remain on your page or leave. Analyzing the feedback will help your website to grow and improve conversion rates by providing a better user experience. 

Improve the design

Every piece of content on your website should work to drive conversions. To improve the appearance of your website, you can consult with a UI/UX specialist. They will help you find places that need improvements. For instance, remove unnecessary elements that can distract users, such as too many CTAs and pop-ups. Don’t overload your page. If you want your website’s visitors to respond to your call to action, make sure it is visible and in the right spot. Keep in mind that simple and easy-to-use navigation will also help to keep the audience.   

Call to action buttons 

Implementing a call to action element on your website will be very helpful to the users. It will encourage them to take the next step and use your services. No matter what style of CTA your business requires, you should be sure to have them on your website. It’s better to make the design specialty colored to catch a user’s eye and prompt conversions. Don’t allow it to blend into the background with bleak colors or overly simple designs. 

Make your site mobile-friendly

If you’re looking for conversions, ensure that your website provides the same experience on their mobiles as it would on a desktop computer. Or even better. It’s crucial that you provide a mobile-friendly website to aid in the purchasing process. To make your website mobile-friendly, you can:

  • Choose a mobile-responsive theme or template;
  • Make images and CSS as light as possible;
  • Change button size and placement;
  • Use a large and readable font;
  • Eliminate pop-ups, etc.

Your websites should make every step of the customer journey comfortable with all devices. 


By focusing on increasing conversions, instead of increasing your advertising budget, you will improve your profits. It can be challenging, but it is worth the time and money you invest in your website. Understanding the needs of your target audience and providing it with a good site experience will undoubtedly benefit your business.

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